The gaming trend is advancing with time, and much innovation is brought to it. We find several new games introduced in various exciting genres. If you are interested in haunted houses and evil spirits and want to tackle these, Specimen Zero Mod Apk is the best game for you. You have to escape from a haunted house using your tactics with the help of available equipment and gear. You need to tackle the evil spirits fearlessly. This seems to be easy. Though it’s actually not as you have to be focused and take each step very wisely.

App Information


Specimen Zero


Cafe Studio


150 MB






OS 4.4 +







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Features of Specimen Zero

Graphics of the game are designed with a very realistic approach to give the house or to build an actual horror feel. There are several rooms and halls in the building, each with a different landscape, some have checked floors, and some have old faded tiles. Even the dark-colored walls are so terrifying, and the overall dull and dark feel of the graphics justifies the game attributes and logical reasoning. The horrified evil spirits are designed to be so scary too. 

Sound effects are kept very little to give a complete horror feel. All you can hear is the door opening sounds, your footprints, and the petrified sounds of the evil spirits, which can take your breath away, same as it is in Vector. Though there are few sound effects, they still do complete justice to the game’s motive. You can use headphones for a closer encounter with the terrifying sounds.


At the beginning of the game, you have a joypad over your screen placed at the bottom left. You have to pass through various rooms and halls in the building and pick up all the useful items for self-defence from the ghosts. The very first priority thing to be picked up is a torch, which will help you to lighten up your path so that you can have clear vision in the dark rooms. All you have to do is safely escape the haunted building by killing the evil creatures.

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You will feel all alone in the haunted building, facing zombies and monsters. So, you need to move slowly, making less noise. Be very alert while opening any of the doors, as you never know when an evil spirit will face you. In such an uncertain scenario, you need unlimited ammo to download the Specimen Zero Mod Apk for free.


Following are the collectibles in the game which will help you to escape the building successfully:

  • Screwdriver
  • Weapons
  • Ammo
  • Medicine
  • Food
  • Keycards
  • Flashlight
  • Cable rod

In addition, you can solve some riddles and puzzles and have various clues to easily get out of the building. 

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This game offers multiple characters, which can be customized the way you want. You can buy elements, skins, and different outfits to customize your character. You can give them different looks by forming various hairstyles too. This is a fun feature at times in the game. Character outfits are available which belong to different occupations, like a lab coat and many others. If you get very afraid and have a break you can quickly play Dan The Man.

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Features of Specimen Zero Mod Apk

This mod menu apk is completely free to download and has amazing features. It is one step ahead of the original version of the game. In this latest version, you will have everything unlimited. On a single tap on the download version you will come to experience an amazing version of this game with premium features unlocked.

Free Shopping

Yes, we mean it. You can do free shopping to have it all unlocked. You can have your favorite skins and outfits for your character to make them look unique in the way you want. Ultimately you will encounter a seamless gameplay with even enriched graphics.

specimen zero mod apk

All Characters Unlocked

If you are bored of playing with the same character, no worries, as you will also have all characters unlocked in this new update. You might be thinking about character customization, yes that can be done as well completely free of cost.

Unlimited Ammo

There are no limits in the god mode, as you will have unlimited ammo, so there is no need to be terrified by the sudden appearance of the veil spirits because by playing this mod version you will never get out of ammo and can successfully escape through the terrifying building. You can download it free for your android and iOS devices. You can also play this game online in multiplayer with friends and have a different experience.

Installation Guide

Tap on the download button

When the download is finished, install the app

Allow unknown resources from your phone’s settings, and the app will start installing

When the installation completes, open the game and enjoy


The game’s main aim is to escape from the haunted buildings by collecting all the necessary equipment and killing the evil monsters in your way.

You can open a locked door with the keycards.

Each item has its own importance, though the flashlight is a must to have for clear vision.

A big no, this game should not be played by kids due to the frightening experiences and encounters.


In conclusion, this game is a must to experience for people who love visiting haunted places and facing evil ghosts and monsters. You will be thrilled by facing the evil creatures in the haunted building. You need to keep your reflexes strong to tackle each monster spontaneously. Never miss out on the important items and collect each one of them. A pro tip is to move slowly so that the monsters do not hear your footsteps clearly, and they cannot trace you instantly. So, download this thrilling game and share your frightening moments and experiences with us in the comment below. 

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